The USA Branch is excited to provide programs that support members and promote the performance of the breed throughout North America. Programs include but are not limited to: virtual shows, hi point awards, members only events, and members only competitions. Stay tuned for new programs in 2025!
Virtual Shows
2024 Virtual Show
Australian Stock Horse Society USA Branch hosted its 1st annual virtual show. Led, hack,
and working patterns were offered. The two ASHS accredited judges were Jen Petrich and Sam
Amey. The participants were judged based on the ASHS’s ideal standard of an ASH.
Requirements: Rider/handler must be an ASHS member. Horses need to be registered or in the process of being registered. Rider/handler can show as many horses as possible in any class. Horse can only be shown by one rider/handler in its respected age group.
Led Class – LP1
Studbook Australian Stock Horse
- Weanlings, 11.9 month & under
- Yearlings, 12 months – 23.9 months
- 2 Year olds
- 3 year olds
- 4 year olds
- 5 year olds & over
First & Second Cross Australian Stock Horse
- Weanlings, 11.9 months & under
- Yearlings, 12 months – 23.9 months
- 2 Year olds
- 3 year olds
- 4 year olds 12. 5 year olds & over
Hack Class – HP1
Studbook Australian Stock Horse
- 2 Year olds
- 3 year olds
- 4 year olds
- 5 year olds & over
First & Second Cross Australian Stock Horse
- 2 Year olds
- 3 year olds
- 4 year olds
- 5 year olds & over
Working Class – WP1
Studbook Australian Stock Horse
- 2 Year olds
- 3 year olds
- 4 year olds
- 5 year olds & over
First & Second Cross Australian Stock Horse
- 2 Year olds
- 3 year olds
- 4 year olds
- 5 year olds & over
Results can be found here.
Hi Point Awards – Polocrosse
The Hi-Point Polocrosse Awards were awarded for the 2023 season. Hi-Point ASH awards were presented at designated tournaments only.
- Polocrosse in the Pines Tournament, May 27-28
- Bridge City Tournament, August 26-27
- Sugarloaf Mountain Tournament, September 2-3
All competition-eligible registered Australian Stock Hoses playing in the sport of polocrosse can be nominated for free.
The ASHS is looking forward to its ongoing support of Australian Stock Horses and Members in the sport of polocrosse.
Results can be found here.
Event Nominations
Nominate your event for ASH awards. Please provide details for your event below: